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Mindfulness Trainings Presented By: Psychotherapists and Mindfulness Educators, Ashley Graber & Maria Evans

What Parents Gain From Our Trainings:

Hands-On Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation Tools to Use Right Away for Stress Relief at Work and for the Whole Family 

Actionable Steps to Set Boundaries, and Create and Achieve Work-Life Integration 

Simple Tools to Use Throughout the At-Home Work Day to Bring Calm, Focus and Creativity (the Problem-Solving kind) Back

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According to the American Psychological Association (APA), nearly 50% of parents reported that their stress levels related to the coronavirus pandemic are at an 8 to 10 out of 10.

60% of working parents have no outside help in caring for and educating their children.

Our working parents are at high risk of emotional and cognitive burnout.


1.5 Hour Mindfulness Presentation

Parents will learn tools and exercises to decrease stress in the unique position of balancing work and family life. They will learn to increase creative problem solving, and maximize productivity while setting boundaries without guilt. They will learn to apply neuroscience supported mindfulness skills to the workplace, adapt to changes and transitions, and achieve work-life integration. This program offers the foundational building blocks for parents to effectively manage stressors at home and at work.

With both didactic and experiential practices parent employees will learn:

  • Skills for employees to manage change in the workplace and at home

  • Stress reduction techniques to use throughout the workday and beyond 

  • Empirically supported exercises to boost focus and productivity

  • Practical mindful parenting tools to decrease burnout and increase resilience 

  • Large Groups (No Max)


3.5 Hour Interactive Mindfulness Workshop

This is an in-depth mindfulness training which includes interactive group breakout rooms and experiential practices. Parents will learn tools and exercises to decrease stress in the unique position of balancing work and family life. They will learn to increase creative problem solving and maximize productivity while setting boundaries without guilt. They will learn to apply neuroscience supported mindfulness skills to the workplace, adapt to changes and transitions, and achieve work-life integration. This program offers the foundational building blocks for parents to effectively manage stressors at home and at work.

With both didactic and experiential practices parent employees will learn:

  • Skills for employees to manage work-life integration with families

  • Stress reduction techniques to use throughout the workday and beyond 

  • Empirically supported exercises to boost focus and productivity

  • Practical mindful parenting tools to decrease burnout and increase resilience 

  • Interactive skill building and team exercises 

  • Tools for skillful boundary setting and enhanced focus

  • Effective hands on parenting strategies to use in quarantine while working from home

  • How to understand children’s responses
 to the virus, manage big feelings as a family, and how to help children feel safe 

  • Mindful parent problem solving and decision making methods  

  • Questions and Answers with Ashley and Maria  Follow Up Implementation Groups Available  

  • Groups (50 Person Max)


6 Hours Total Executive & Leadership Workshops: 3 Hour Interactive Mindfulness Workshop & 3 Hours of Follow Up Implementation Groups

This is an in-depth customized mindfulness training which includes interactive group breakout rooms, experiential practices, and 3 follow up implementation groups. Your leaders and executives will learn in-depth tools and exercises to decrease stress in the unique position of balancing work and family life. They will learn to increase creative problem solving and maximize productivity while setting boundaries without guilt. They will learn to apply neuroscience supported mindfulness skills to the workplace, adapt to changes and transitions, and achieve work-life integration. Employees will walk away with “The Parent’s Guide to Family Life in Quarantine and Beyond.”

  • Customizable - We will work with you to identify the objectives & build the structure to best serve your corporation

  • Leadership & Executive Resilience Building

  • 3 Follow Up Implementation Groups

  • Skills for employees to manage work-life integration with families

  • Stress reduction techniques to use throughout the workday and beyond 

  • Empirically supported exercises to boost focus and productivity

  • Practical mindful parenting tools to decrease burnout and increase resilience 

  • Interactive skill building and team exercises 

  • Tools for skillful boundary setting and enhanced focus

  • Effective hands on parenting strategies to use in quarantine while working from home

  • How to understand children’s responses
 to the virus, manage big feelings as a family, and how to help children feel safe

  • Mindful parent problem solving and decision making methods  

  • The Parent’s Guide to Family Life in Quarantine and Beyond

  • Questions and Answers with Ashley and Maria  Follow Up Implementation Groups Available  

  • Smaller Groups (25 Person Max)

Contact Us To Schedule Your Corporate Parent Training

“80% of employees feel stress on the job”

-the American Institute of Stress

Our Corporate Mindfulness Method teaches employees to manage stress while still increasing productivity.